Our Aim

The aim with our courses is to take you through stages of learning to connect with Self and Spirit (One Source/ God/ Goddess/ Great Spirit...) at a deeper level, so you can grow at a pace suited to you, in order to find a deeper understanding of your true self and why you are here. Hopefully to also heal aspects in your soul and Ancestors and to begin, or continue, the journey of empowerment. 

We primarily use shamanism (and both Grey Elk - Shaman (Paul O'Halloran) and White Feathers Woman - Medicine Woman (Melanie O'Halloran-Gomes) are fully initiated by the Spirits. White Feathers Woman also works with Rahanni Celestial Healing. 

To work on oneself and take the journey from the head to the heart can totally set you free in joy although it takes you to truly be honest with yourself and look at everything within you. As you see within yourself and face the shadow self, we provide you with tools and techniques to help your inner work and your connection to your Spirit helpers. It is our intention that during these courses your Higher Self allows exactly what is right for you also that all pain, suffering or hurt is healed right back to the original Source (be it soul, ancestral or other lives) so the pattern is erased for ever.

Infinite blessings to all. 

White Feathers Woman and Grey Elk

Are you ready?

Are our courses for you? If you resonate with some of the list below then you are a good match for our courses.

  • You want to change your life but are not sure how?

  • You have been through an awakening of some sort for example a spiritual experience, trauma or hurt?

  • You take responsibility for what you feel and for what you create in your life?

  • You can allow yourself to release and process emotions - mentally and emotionally.

  • You have tried other things but they are not quite hitting the depth needed to change your life completely?

  • Get to know us, try a course and see what you feel! We absolutely believe you need to follow your own heart and if you are not drawn here thats totally ok! Love and blessings on your journey!

Course teachers

Shaman Paul O'Halloran (Grey Elk)

Paul grew up on a farm in Connemara, West of Ireland. He then went on to join the Irish army and spent 9 years serving in the forces, including being overseas with United Nations peacekeeping force. During this time, while serving in Lebanon, Paul had a near death experience and came home with a different outlook on life. Paul is fully initiated in the Xhosa lineage and has many years experience of healing land and houses and people and has worked on healing around 5,000 properties in Ireland. This work has had shamanism at the very core of it and as such Paul now teaches shamanic studies at the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies. We sincerely hope you enjoy this course. Thank you!

Water Rose Priestess & Medicine Woman Melanie O'Halloran-Gomes (White Feathers Woman)

Melanie trained as a marine conservation biologist and worked for around 20 years in this field. She remains very passionate about the sea. Melanie was led to the spiritual work through her health and life's experiences and feels our health and consciousness are deeply related and nature is one of our greatest teachers. Melanie is shamanically trained and fully initiated to Medicine Woman. Melanie assists Paul with many of the shamanic courses and primarily works with the Roses, Water and Rahanni Celestial Healing (Ambassador and Guardian of Rahanni) also kambo as well as Moon Mother work. Melanie's aim is basically to be a vessel for Great Spirit for what ever way the heart and soul medicine needs to flow through! Blessings!


Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies

Healing for the Heart and Soul


  • I am a complete beginner in energy medicine would these courses be right for me?

    Yes! The courses are tailored to support those who have none or very little of working with energies and Spirit (energy medicine) as well those that are on their journey with energy work for years. What is more important is that you are open to it and you look within as you do the courses and also that you are able to process the information and allow the releases to occur.

  • I feel so much and at times feel overwhelmed. Will this course help me to learn how to help myself?

    Yes, the courses are based on giving you a good grounding and understanding of energy that you get to "know thyself" at a deeper level. The whole journey of healing can be a progression and so you can work at the pace right for you. There are tools and techniques on how to clear your space and your own energy.

  • I'm interested in this but am not sure whether I should or not?

    The fact that you are interested does say that you may be being called to either go deeper into your own healing or actually being called to do the work of Spirit (this call gets stronger and stronger until one day you just have to and there is no choice). Our courses are tailored to everyone as they cover the basics and the grounding you need and help you to get in touch with your own heart and empty your mind (this may take time depending on where you are at).

Dive right in!

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