Ground your Roots and Heal your Heart & Soul through Shamanism
Online course to embrace and embody the basics of shamanism from teachers with a collective experience of over 40 years in energy medicine.
A warm and hearty welcome and well done for taking the first step to rooting your soul and deepening the journey into heart. Let's thanks your Highest Ascended Ancestors and Guides for bringing you here!
Welcome Soulful one! We have such gratitude for the people that come and train with us, they become our friends, our clan, our soul family. You will know if you feel the call as it will come through your beautiful heart. The journey with shamanism to us is the deepest one, it is the true secret to embodying your true self no matter how light or celestial your soul gifts are as it is rooting into the Mother Earth and connecting with her that enables us to drawn down our true and Highest Light. The path of healing is not the easy route, it is very deeply rewarding but there is no doubt at times we are all taken to the pit of our souls. This is where the sacred space we hold, with honour and respect comes in, to help you to feel safe and supported and only go as deep as you feel comfortable to go.
At Pathway teaching our aim is always to help you to empower and heal yourself. Our wish for you is that you are able to work through whatever is holding you back, that you are ready to release that is not in line with your true self. As you gently clear the way, you will reconnect to the deeper aspects of your True Self, and allow the Truth to emerge. The Truth that has always been there supporting you, but has been hidden from you, and sometimes in our lives we all need a little helping hand to feel and embody who we are truly are.
This course is an intensive foundation in shamanic energy healing/shamanism that may be taken by itself, as an introduction or foundation to shamanism and then followed with other courses such as the in person shamanic training or in person retreats. Thank you!
What to expect?
This online foundation in Shamanism with the Pathway teaching School of Shamanic Studies aims to empower you through the sharing of techniques and exercises to help you to ground into the Mother Earth , to open more to the helper spirits around you and to help you know who you are at the deepest level. This course is based on the principles of shamanism - a way of the heart weaved with old wisdom and current intuition.
The course aims to help you move further along the path from your head to your heart. It helps you to create an awareness of the different energies around you and how to discern, heal and release some of these energies. It also aims to help with your reconnection to Great Spirit/Source within, so as you become more aware of Mother Nature and her Spirits as well as the Spirit helpers, Highest Ascended Guides and Ascended Ancestors around you.
You are provided with a basic set of notes as your work your way through the course although this is more about feeling than going into your head. On saying that there is a quiz at the end to make sure you have understood and embodied some of what we are putting across! At any time if you have difficulty navigating the course, or don’t understand something please contact us. Thank you!
“The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart”. Sioux Indian
What does the course include?
Helping with the journey to move from your head into your heart.
Helping you to connect & align with your Soul and further open your heart.
An understanding of grounding and protection.
Tools and techniques to clear and heal yourself and to clear your space and energy field including dowsing/divining.
A deeper connection to your guides and the spirit helpers around you.
Introduction to the different shamanic worlds, upper, middle and lower and shamanic journeying.
A deeper understanding of Self and the Spirits of Mother Earth/Nature.
An understanding of how to work with plants, stones, crystals, and the elements.
An introduction to past and parallel lives and working with the Ancestors.
How to do basic ceremony and ritual.
Shamanism, this word means so many different things to different people, there are people that love it, people that the very utter of the word makes them run and hide and then those that are in the middle who may be called but are unsure.
The strange thing is, it is sometimes those that are very afraid of shamanism and unsure of commitment are those that are called and it is only a matter of time before they can resist the call of Spirit (Great Spirit /God /Goddess/One Love or Source) no longer.
Sometimes we think we are the ones in control but in reality, at times, we are only convincing ourselves, where as really, we are held in the hands of Great Spirit, kindly and honestly with a refreshing truth that jolts the sleepy from their slumber.
Shamanism has the power to support us beyond measure, it is so powerful, we would not attempt to define its power. This is why of course it evokes fear in people, it has the power to over come anything and completely free souls!
We are on the Earth and so have come here to experience Earth, therefore it’s a good idea to connect to the Mother Earth and realise why we are here so we don’t have to repeat unnecessary lessons before we get the message!
Shamanism is common to all native peoples around the world, yet within us we all have a deep connection, through our blood lines to one shamanic lineage or another.
Shamanism helps us to connect to nature, to heal ourselves and to connect and remember the deepest parts of our being. It is about experiencing the world of Spirit, whilst living an ordinary life. It is not a religion or philosophy but is a connection that helps us to remember who we really are. Even though different techniques may be used there are common principles that can be applied to help you on your path in your everyday life by establishing a deeper connection to nature and the Spirit helpers around you and to Mother Earth as you become one with the element’s and the spirits of the directions!
What does the course include?
Welcome to the Shamanic Practitioners Foundation Course with Grey Elk and White Feathers Woman
Course Description
FREE PREVIEWBenefits of taking this journey
FREE PREVIEWHow to get the most out of the course
Grey Elk talks about Shamanism and his journey with it.
White Feathers Woman talks about shamanism
What is a shamanic lineage?
Grounding and Centering
Grounding with Grey Elk
The New Chakras
Live Session 1 - Part 1.
Live Session 1 - Part 2. Grounding.
Live Session1 - Part 3. Opening Ceremony and Ceremony to call in your Ascended Ancestors
Shamanic Tools - What are they? And how to activate and connect with them
Mother Earth
Shamanic journeying
Session 2 Mother Earth
Journey to the Lower World with Grey Elk
Journey to the Middle World with Grey Elk
Purchase the course either in one payment or via 3 monthly payments. Thank you so much for the energy exchange we really appreciate you!
Regular price
5 monthly payments
We wish you a wonderful day! If you have any questions don't hesitate to contact us. Blessings Melanie, Paul and Sarah.